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Agameya On: The Wrath of Handheld Devices

On the subway, in the streets, even among each other's company, people are plagued by the bleakness of their devices. Lost in a trance that they do not know they are locked into. Deluded as to think that reality should be lived vicariously through screens. Generation Z do not and never will know the virtue that comes along with not having constant access to technology. I pity the ones that would rather dwell on their devices than pay due attention to the world around them.

Alas, competence succinct and ignorance abundant, no one ceases to disembark on what will only yield to dire consequences in the future. Loss of love for nature, loss of sturdy communication skills, and a dependency on stimuli are just a few to name out of the plethora that result. Does one not know that the world is predicated on anything but the ills of technology, does ignorance have such a toll on people that allows them to negate their very lives to ruminate on nothing?

I for one believe that eradicating technology as a whole is the best solution forward, however is not feasible at this time. One then should consciously use the tools and mental bandwidth they behold to refrain from being sucked into the world of technology and be bigger than the devices at hand. Run faster, stretch out your arms further, as Gatsby would say. Be brighter than the very device that has you etched. Be wiser so as to ascertain the right path forward so as to not miss forest.

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